To paint Christmas-colored square-striped nails , you need to prepare the following ingredients:
- Detailed nail brush
- Bottles of nail polish in dark red, bright red, dark green, green, white and black
- Top coat and base coat
- Thin brush with long bristles (striping brush)
Square striped nail design with Christmas colors
After you have prepared all the tools and ingredients, proceed with the following steps:
- First, alternately paint your nails with 1 green nail - 1 red nail using the previously prepared paint bottle.
- Next, draw 2 horizontal lines on your nails using a striping brush. Then, on green nails, use a bottle of dark green paint and of course, on red nails, use a bottle of dark red paint to paint on the 2 horizontal lines you drew before.
- Next, you paint a vertical line overlapping the horizontal lines painted in step 2.
- In the fourth step, you skillfully draw white stripes to decorate your nails with a thin brush. After that, you clean and dry the brush.
- After drawing white stripes, take a thin dry brush and continue drawing black lines. Wait for your nails to dry completely for about 15 minutes.
- As a final step, you apply 2 layers of top coat on your nails to make them beautiful and shiny.
So you have a beautiful striped nail design with Christmas colors.